Opening your own bar and becoming a successful restaurateur is not as difficult as many people used to think. It is a profitable business that, if properly organized, quickly pays for itself. Competition in the current market among establishments of this type is not very high yet, because in large cities there are no more than a dozen decent bars, and in the regions there are either none at all, or two or three.
View CaseTo open your bar from scratch and more quickly reach a break-even level, you need to choose the right location of the institution. In many respects the attendance of the bar depends on its location, so you need to identify the most crowded places in town. As a rule, it is the center, but in
Bars are popular because of the special atmosphere: here you can sit with friends after a hard day’s work and relax, watch soccer with a mug of beer in hand, enjoy unusual types of beer. Profitability of the bar is quite high, and the necessary investments are several times less than when starting a full
First you need to decide on the maximum number of visitors who can take a bar, and with the presence of its own kitchen. The distribution of functional areas in the institution directly depends on these two points. Then proceed to the development of a unique design.
To develop the competitive advantages of a bar, you need to analyze the food establishments nearby (cafes, stores with their own canteens, bars, clubs, restaurants). Hire an undercover agent or research the competitiveness of such establishments yourself. Pay attention to: typical menu items; the average bill; percentage of occupied tables on weekdays and weekends; target
Know MoreThe combination of a beautiful interior, tasty drinks and good service is the key to the success of the bar. The design must match the main format of the institution. The interior can be simple, with the usual massive wooden furniture, or sophisticated, gravitating towards functionalism – it all depends on the chosen concept. However,
Know MoreThe development of outdoor advertising is an important stage in the planning of the bar, because it is on the signboard and exterior design a potential visitor will judge about the institution. Stand out among competitors can be created if you create a unique facade sign, reflecting the corporate identity of the bar. It should
Know MoreThe selection of equipment and furniture is made in accordance with the approved design project. The general style of the bar is read in everything: the chairs, tables, glasses, etc. The visitor should have the impression of complete immersion in the special atmosphere of the institution. For this it is necessary to make a good
Know MoreWhen the equipment is purchased, repairs are made, and the necessary documents for opening a bar are drawn up, you can begin preparations for the launch. The first thing to do is to invite the appropriate regulatory government agencies for inspection, so they can issue a permit to open an establishment
Given the rather large investments in the initial stage, the average premium to 300% justifies itself. At an average level of attendance the bar can pay for itself within 6 months. In practice, this does not happen before one year, sometimes up to 6 years.
Therefore, before you open your bar, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan, which will take into account all the anticipated costs, as well as the nuances and possible problems in the organization of this business. This will help to avoid unpleasant situations and achieve the highest possible profitability in a short time.